Since 2006,, LLC has trained students of all backgrounds. Our Clients recognized us as one of the industry’s best for quality and on time service. In our short history we have grown because we continue to focus on what we do best – delivering reliable Flight Training, easy-to-use cloud technology and supporting students over a wide range of services.
Retaining Our Clients
In the beginning, our goal was simple, yet ambitious – to improve the interaction between students and flight Instructors. Thanks to our advanced Online Sylibus and feedback technology and the range of offerings we deliver, our plan worked and our students are happy. We have the highest client retention percentage in the industry.
Creating A New Standard
We have combined our innovative approach to a training syllabus with intuitive cloud technology driven by our clients feedback. We provide tools, strong client service and stability. The goal of our approach is to redefine and set a new standard for the Flight Training industry and to create a positive experience.